Sunday Messages @ Stockton Anglican Take Heart by Michael Marklew|Published September 15, 2019 To take heart, is to take courage, it is a command and a promise. It is a promise because the one commanding us to take heart is the same one who will give us a heart that can have courage. (John 16:16-33)
Published February 6, 2022 Unashamed For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God. This is the book of Romans greatest offence and the topic of this introductory message.
Published October 28, 2019 It is Finished The shocking reality of Jesus and his death should change us – to believe, to speak, and to act. (John 19.17-42)
Published March 20, 2022 Against All Hope What promises of God are we doubting? What impossible thing of God do we continue to question today? Who have we given up on?