Sunday Messages @ Stockton Anglican Guilt by Michael Marklew|Published November 1, 2020 Obedience to the law doesn’t remove the consequences of the guilt causing activity; all it does is corrupt our conscience — leaving us guessing why our lives are a mess. Hebrews 10:1-18
Published November 27, 2022 Hope – Advent #1 What comes to mind at the thought of Jesus returning tomorrow?
Published February 14, 2021 God Will Prepare We will be prepared, shaped, and equipped by God to do his work.
Published September 5, 2021 Justification Christianity was never supposed to be a movement that we justify, it was supposed to be a faith that justifies us.
Published February 2, 2020 Follow Jesus If we want to follow Jesus and live for God we must do what is strange to the world, we must give […]