In Christ we have a good and proper purpose, one that the very creator of the universe works out in us.
Yearly archives: 2020
Let go of selfish ambition and instead embrace the joy, comfort, unity, love, Spirit, tenderness and compassion of Christ.
Knowing Christ enables us to live fearlessly and it is when we are without fear, that our lives can truely abound in love.
We are all run aways and in our running, we have all left destruction to varying degrees in our wake.
We talk so much about repentance, it is as if this whole Christian journey is somehow about us. But it isn’t, it is about God’s goodness about recognising who God is and living in response to that reality. Isaiah 53:5-6
Jesus saves us from so much more than Fire, Floods or Famines, He saves us from the problem sin. Matthew 21:1-11
Often, God’s plan for us exists in that place just beyond the horizon, the place out of our direct line of sight and most importantly beyond our control. 1 Samuel 16:1-13
How many trials and how much suffering do we need to go through, before we will truely turn to God? Exodus 17:1-7