Sunday Messages @ Stockton Anglican God Will Strengthen by Michael Marklew|Published February 7, 2021 We like Ezekiel, possess the same unrelenting power of the Holy Spirit and the same responsiblity of being called by God to be a witness to the world. Ezekiel 1:1-2:9
Published October 17, 2021 Journey To Joy Our journey to advance the gospel in the present, will bring us great joy through the good work of Christ in us.
Published November 10, 2019 Peace, Power & Purpose At the heart of every Christian story is peace, power and purpose. (John 20:19-31)
Published August 23, 2020 Celebrate Your Chains It is through the things we give up and the temptations that we resist that we find our voice and gain permission to speak truth and love into the lives of others.
Published December 3, 2019 Love Big Love does not replace or override the commandments. Love is a summary of the commandments and to love others is to apply […]