Sunday Messages @ Stockton Anglican Worship God’s Way by Harry Pallett|Published August 21, 2022 Worship done God’s way was exemplified by Jesus the Messiah, who calls us to shape our worship after the pattern of his life. Romans 12:1-13
Published April 26, 2020 Fearless Living Knowing Christ enables us to live fearlessly and it is when we are without fear, that our lives can truely abound in love.
Published March 3, 2019 Fearless Marriage 1 Peter 3:1-7 – A healthy view of marriage involves both celebrating our differences and embracing our equality in Christ.
Published October 18, 2020 Forgotten When we come to Christ with our mistakes and shame, our sins are both forgiven and forgotten by our ever gracious God.
Published April 5, 2020 Save Us Jesus saves us from so much more than Fire, Floods or Famines, He saves us from the problem sin. Matthew 21:1-11