Luke’s Gospel is moving quickly, from Jesus birth to his rejection in his home town to this, casting out demons and healing the sick. Come with us as we work through this together. Luke 4.31-40
Michael Marklew
When we reject Jesus, we reject not just Jesus, but the truth that He will change us, that His message is for us. Come with us as we look at the first group of people to reject the messiah. Luke 4:14-30.
Just 77 generations from creation and Christ? If this is true, what do we do about the monkeys? Is the bible in conflict with science or something else? Come with us as we look at Jesus baptism, the sacred and the young earth.
God is faithful and his Word is always fulfilled, so lets ask the question. What has God promised you? Luke 1.39-56
When we come to Jesus, the Holy Spirit gives birth to a new nature, a new self inside of us. The question is, what is our response? Luke 1.26-38
John the Baptist is to be a mighty man of God, but what about you and me? What kind of lives are we living? Is the Gospel changing us, making us new? Luke 1.5-25
For some reason God has broken from his usual motif of using the weak to shame the wise and has inspired Luke, a doctor, a historian, a missionary to tell us about the Hope that we can have in Jesus. Luke’s Gospel is the longest and the most detailed and […]
How do we trust God? How do we follow him not just in the good times but in the bad times to? Why does God allow suffering? “Everything under heaven belongs to me.. says the lord…”
Chapter 38 of the book of Job is just at taste of God’s first rebuke. In it He takes Job through the creative process of Genesis, and with the use of irony, sarcasm and a series of rhetorical questions He puts Job in his place. Job 38:1-41 & 40:1-5
In Job’s darkest moments he expresses a heart that yearns for a redeemer, and yes, God will deliver.