If you have ever felt like God is distance and that you are alone in your suffering, you are in good company as Job experiences exactly this. Of course God will speak, but just not yet. Why? We don’t now, perhaps God wants to deepen Job’s spiritual insights. Perhaps God […]
Michael Marklew
Why does God allow suffering? Does God take part in our suffering? Are we but the play things of the powers beyond this world? Is faith a contract? Does faith guard against suffering? How do we know we have faith? Who is our faith in? Are just some of the […]
God loves you. Be honest with him. Ask for his help to identify the sin that may be behind much of your trouble, your burdens and even your sicknesses. James 5
This gift is about the Holy Spirit of God, enabling us to grown his kingdom through the service of others. It is about getting our hearts right before God. It is about a group of people that enable the Church to grow and thrive. Lets be encouraged by the gift […]
Is it when a preacher waves their arms and half the crowd falls over, with catchers ready behind them? Or is it a steady and constant life of asking and seeking God in prayer? Prayers for things that are beyond our ability and control? Lets find out.
The Holy Spirit is a spirit of truth, wisdom and understanding. Through him we can argue for the faith, we can stand up to opposition, we can encourage and we can guide the Church.
Make no mistake, God can give this gift to anyone. You can be rich or poor and you might not even know the gospel all that well and you can still receive this gift, in fact you may already have it.
The gifts of the Spirit are for Christians in community. For the building up and the encouraging of others and to be manifest as an expression of love.
Are the gifts of the Spirit for us today? What does Spiritual abuse look like? How do I receive the gifts? Join us for an overview of Spiritual gifts and to the start of our new series.