Sunday Messages @ Stockton Anglican
Joseph sacrificed what was he deserved for what Mary needed, and as followers of Christ we also sacrifice what we deserve, what may be rightfully and legally ours for the needs of others. (Matthew 1:18-25)
Love does not replace or override the commandments. Love is a summary of the commandments and to love others is to apply the commandments for their benefit, in the same way we apply them to ourselves. (Romans 13:9-14)
The Resurrection is the cornerstone of our faith and the basis for the Church’s witness to the world. (John 20:1-18)
The shocking reality of Jesus and his death should change us – to believe, to speak, and to act. (John 19.17-42)
Real power is not found in the control and rule of others, but in wilful submission to God. (John 19:1-16)
The real question today, the life changing, life making, life shaping question is not what is truth, but who is truth? (John 18:28-40)